Lucio Di Domenico Lucio Di Domenico

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Lucio Di Domenico

Get to know
Lucio Di Domenico

Lucio Di Domenico graduated in Advertising from the Anhembi Morumbi University and has an Executive MBA from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He is also a musician and serves as a volunteer director of Music and Arts at CIP - Congregação Israelita Paulista and Lar das Crianças. In addition, he is the author of the book "The past of the future: how technology and innovation have been influencing and will influence the way people relate, do business and companies ideate and launch products".


Lucio has developed his career in the areas of Marketing and Management in the sectors of Communication, Technology, Sustainability, Innovation, and Finance. In his self-taught and proactive career, he has worked for companies such as Le Figaro, Banco Nacional, Gradiente, and ABN|AMRO (Banco Real). He is a creative professional with deep critical thinking, which directed his entrepreneurship skills to founding the companies Luarte, Ability, Descarte Certo, and BDCo.


At RGF, he works with precision and commitment, always aligned with the values of transparency and the contributive vision for the business of his clients. In this way, Lucio performs excellent teamwork, guided by the exchange of knowledge among professionals from different areas, and brings a positive attitude and high problem-solving ability to the projects he is involved in.