Douglas Cotrim Douglas Cotrim

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Douglas Cotrim

Get to know
Douglas Cotrim

Douglas is a graduate in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, in addition to having a specialization in Marketing from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA in Digital Marketing from the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Sao Paulo.


With over 20 years of experience in strategic planning and Business Intelligence, Douglas has worked in the USA, Canada, Europe, and throughout Latin America leading multifunctional teams, as well as proposing and implementing strategic solutions for companies in the Food Retail, Fashion and Clothing Retail, Nutrition, Sports Supplements, Health Care, Health, and Financial sectors, among others.


Highlights of his career include a seven-year experience as a Strategic Planning executive at the Nestlé Group - spending two years based at the headquarters in Switzerland - and the position of Marketing Director at Obrigado Natural - where he participated in a greenfield project, in which he was responsible for developing and implementing the business plan to launch the brand and the entire product portfolio. As a consultant, he has been working in the areas of Strategic Planning, Interim Management, People & Management, and Restructuring in various market sectors for over 10 years.


At RGF, Douglas is always aligned with the proposal of practical work, going straight to the point to solve any problems and deliver projects as quickly and effectively as possible. As a former entrepreneur, he understands that the challenge is in the detail of the operation and works by prioritizing and respecting the time and money invested by clients. In addition, he has a frank, constant, and constructive exchange with his teams, as he believes that RGF's differentiator is the collaboration between people to go beyond the expectation of deliveries.